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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

eternal love

betol laa kan pepatah ade cakap, kasih IBU nie tiada tolok bandingnya..
susah laa kite nak cari kasih macam kasih ibu nie
kasih kat kekasih lain, kasih kat kawan lain, kasih kat adik beradik lain...tol tak?
~nape lak nak citer sal kasih2 ibu bagai nie kan...~

actually, semalam i told my beloved, dearest mommy yang ai nak pose.
ganti laa, tak abis2 lagi ganti nie..huhuhu...~bila nak abis daaa~
bulan pose lak dah makin dekat, so kena pose extreme untuk abiskan jugak yang perlu diganti tue
then dalam kol 5, ma kejutkan suruh bangun, makan..alas perot sikit..
penah jadi kes, pose dgn minum air sejuk jer sebagai alas, then bahana nye, all day macam nak pitam, tapi digagahkan juga sampai akhir...~berjuang sampai abis~
so untuk tidak terjadi lagi perkara yang sama, ai pon bangun and terus pegi dapor.
then ma ckp "tue haa ma dah wat milo atas meja"...sebelah mug milo tue, ade laa butterscoth(yummy, my faveret) and biskut oat...
buka laa 1 pack biskut oat tue, makan ckit, rasa cam x kenyang jer..
then tanya ma, "ma, nasi ada tak?", ma cakap ade, jap die nak panaskan lauk ade dalam fridge (part nie dah terharu sikit uhuk....)
ai plak duk layan ngantuk yang amat sgt duduk atas kerusi sambil tengok ma panaskan..
(ngantuk nye pasal, sebab tue tak panaskan sendiri, kalo tak ngantuk, dah wat laa sendiri...huhu)
then ma goreng lak telur...(kat sini dah terharu sesangat..uhukk.uhuk...)
then ai sendukkan nasi dalam pinggan makan..~sambil tenyeh2 mata~
layan jer makan sambil abis..

tapi seryes, i was soo really deym touch when my mom do that to me..
(anyone wud feel the same if they are in my shoes..kan...kan...bukan ai sorang jer kan)
~sambil pikir, kalo mama takde, how would my life be..~

ma, i lurve you soooo bery very much!!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Despicable Me - Official Trailer 4 [HD]

watched this movie last friday at One Utama..
it was awesome & funny
LOVE it !!!!
guys, don't forget to watch this!!

here are the sneak preview of the movie..

Sunday, July 18, 2010

2 weeks

olla everyone...
seems like i did not write anything for quite a while
it's just that i'm a bit busy
and also out of idea of what i'm goin to write

well,ai nak update ckit my life as a student back
dah 2 minggu ai pegi kelas
all of it was the introductory class
get to know the lecturers, a bit about the subjects taken & the assessment
itu sume as usual laa when you go to the class for the first time..nothing much different
the introduction was quite fine and i'm the only one from the north..huhu
the rest, most of them from Klang valley and there are some from Pahang and also Johor
jauh2 tue u olz dtg nak menuntut ilmu
ok, pasal assessment, there are no FINAL EXAM...weeheeeeee ~that is the best part~
sebab nye, it is fully coursework
yang tak bestnye, i can't skip or ponteng2 any class ~ehehe..cakap jer, takde niat nak ponteng pun~
and then dah bahagi2 group, coz ade subject yg kena wat group work
and the other part yang ambo kureng gemar laa yer,
"reading all those THICK articles and then have to review" arghhhhhh..urghhh..migrain...
sabor jer laa...nak tak nak, dah bayar ribu riban, takkan nak quit lak kan..isk2..cannot..cannot..
soo terima jer laa seadonye.huhu
classmates sume ok and ai pon dah jumpa group members ai, kak nani, zahira and alan
all of them are primary school teachers
discussion pon dah wat on last friday and sume berjalan lancar
hopefully till the end akan maintain
and after 2 and a half years, i will get my master ;D


Monday, July 12, 2010

A Heart Tells Tales

A shattered heart tells many tales of times that a loved
one has broken it.
Many stories of painful moments that have left a heart
torn into pieces and never whole.
The gashes grow bigger with each moment it cannot
undo or force itself to forget.
A heart never forgets or trully heals it only mends
temporarily until another tale is born.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


is it true that time will heal all wounds?
is there such thing as, "as time goes by, you will forget it."
boley percaya ker?

all i know is hurts soo demn much
if i have the power, i want to erase from my mind and life FOREVER & EVER
i think it will take a longer period of time to heal the wounds inside

have to start a new chapter of life..
nak tukar new year resolution boleh? tapi nie dah bukan new year kan
so change to MID-year resolution pulak laa...
orang lain tak wat, tapi ai nak wat..peduli ape...



Sunday, July 4, 2010


pertama kali nak masuk parking kt kawasan ofis,
ade pulak gerai2 mkn yang telah mengambil sebanyak 8*LAPAN* parking space!
di mana kereta ai dan kawan2 ai terpaksa diparking agak jauh dari tempat kebiasaannya*taksuka*
dah laa kena berjalan agak jauh.isk2, pagi2 bikin gue xde mood ajer..
last2, ke hujung bangunan nun ai paking *takdelahujunggilertapimemangjauh*
then, terus dapat new timetable *2ndtime* (as usual, akan ada lg me*itwillbe*
teaching hours ai dikurangkan ke 18 jam ajer seminggu.which is i loikkee so much.ngengenge
kalo tak, sure buzy sokmo..fuhh lega2.
ari nie kelas pon 2 ajer
masuk kelas then briefly explain what the course is all about and what they are going to expect on it
then, explain on the assessment *simple,mudah,kejap jer dah selesai*
most important thing, ai tak sabar nak masuk kelas setadi balik & meet him *wink*wink*

hope that this semester will go smoothly without any problem


Thursday, July 1, 2010

time is gold!

sungguh cepat masa berlalu
sedar tak sedar, dah alomost 1 year i've been working in kedah, negeri tumpah darahku.
arghhh nape masa cepat sangat berlalu.
dengan masa yg cepat berlalu nie, membuatkan ai rasa usia sangat cepat meningkat *takdapatterimakenyataansebenarnya* huhuhu
dah masuk 3 semester dah mengajar kat kolej nie, and dah macam2 ragam student boley dilihat dan dibaca.minggu depan juga akan bermula laa my journey as a student back..huhu
dari sebulan ker bulan,
skang dah july-->august-->september-->october-->november--->dah hujung tahun!!!!
then masuk lak tahun baru...hadoyaiii
soo baki setengah tahun yang tinggal nie, ai manfaatkan dgn sebaik2 nya..*ecey..manfaatkan dengan watpe,..jeng..jeng..tunggu dan lihat*
bak kata Dr. Azizan, 6 bulan jer masa yang diperlukan...hehe