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Thursday, June 17, 2010


OhMyPrada...i have been accepted!!!! hell yeahh!!

after 2 days checking the status online,
i am still yet surprised that my application has been accepted
meaning that, i'm going to be a STUDENT again..phewww...
ok folks...i have been accepted to further my studies doing Master in UITM starting this July 2010
agak2 otak nie dah ready ker belom nk terima cabaran baru...
iaitu one step further to get another certificate which is ------>

Master in Education Teaching English as A Second Language

they said, it was quite tough in uitm compared with other U but the good part is the fees is much more cheaper than other U..hahaha...that is why i choose uitm...
you can say, it's all about the fees..muahaha...
this coming saturday i have to register at Dewan Sri Budiman in Uitm Shah Alam Sek 2
in the offer letter it has stated the 2 subjects that i'm going to learn for this semester:
  1. Research Methodology
  2. Education & Human Development
actually when i did my degree, i have learn research methodology and kinda hate this subject because the lecturer makes me sleepy whenever he teach in front...haha
but for master, kena belajar lagi subjek yg sama..huhu
hopefully it will be different this time around...well i mean, the mode of teaching of course

bila pikir2 kan balik,
can i cope with work, study, score A at the same time ???
im goin to have a lot of supplement pills to eat so that takde laa keletihan yg melampau
nak travel forth and back from kedah to shah alam every single week can be reallly...really tiring
semua ni memerlukan kekuatan mental & fizikal yang kuat dan kental..huhu

the goodie bag i received on the registration day ;D

here are the contents inside the bag

this is the timetable ~the TICKS are the classes~

hopefully i can manage it well...
( dalam hati agak risau dan was2 jugak nie..huhu)


~~ShoE~~ said...

congrats eina.. shoe dah try last year, mampu 1 sem ja.. penat travel.. shoe kagum eina yg jauh pun sanggup.. tapi u'r working in a college so i think it is easier, cikgi nih byk hal2 lain nak kena wat.. shoe hope, bila dah sah jwtn in gov, nak apply cuti bergaji tuk sambung blaja, pray for me yeah..

mizz_yusrina said...

thanx shoe, sbnrnye eina pon isau gak mula2 masa reg n dah dpt will cost me a lot money satu, nk manage time etc..mcm2 laa pk.mula2 cam x konfiden tp kuatkan diri n insyallah i will try my best to complete it..ade org ckp susah master kt uitm nie, so we'll see.i pray that u are able to complete ur studies, dpt cuti bergaji mmg best kan..hihihi