after i went to KK, Sabah, i went to MEDAN, friends and i spent 4 days & 3 nights in medan.this is the first time i went to a place outside malaysia.i was nervous at first but it turn out to be one of the best experienced and moments i had in my only took 55 mins flight from lcct to medan.the trip is totally worth it for money..why?sebabnye...the experienced you get is priceless :D
i visited all the interesting name a few ; Lake Toba, Parapat, Berastagi, see the culture and history of Batak people, Pajak Ikan (tidak menjual ikan yer tapi kain2 lace yg tersangat cantik, kain pelikat & batik, telekung etc) rambang mata pegi sini..berjuta rupiah pon tak cukup.hahaha, tropical fruits stall ( ade buah yg pelik2 & takde kat malaysia ade dijual kt medan...buah limau, di medan dipanggil JeRuk..pelik kan), few shopping malls at the Medan city.
when i look around the city, Medan is the 3rd largest city in Indonesia after Jakarta & Surabaya, i can see the difference between rich and poor people is so obvious, jalan2 raya pon sempit, bandarnye sangat berserabut..huhu..pening2...i was so thankful to be born in malaysia..kenapa? sebabnya, org kaya di sana, tersangat laa kaya, tengok dari rumah jer pon bleh tahu tapi kalo org miskin, memang laa tersangat miskin sampaikan bila nampak tourist, sanggup berkejar2 suruh beli barang yang dorang jual..tak ker scary..huhu..bila kat traffic lite, penjual2 jalanan nie akan ketuk2 pintu kereta untuk menjual barang2 yang wonder all the vehicles in medan ditinted sangat gelap, ngalahkan keta2 hakim kt sini.ahakz.
ape pon, memang seronok sangat especially masa tour berjumpa & dapat berkenalan dengan kawan baru..once you travel and see other places, you definitely want to travel again.. :D
that is what i felt.hehe
here are few pics that i wanna share with all of u, the readers..enjoy!!
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