as usual, today im back to work again...after i enter the 1st class, i bring along with me the homegrown answer test booklets...and guess wat!!! one of the answer script is missing!!!! this happen for the 2nd time.....wat happen, i already count the total answer script and it was enough 10+13=23 (total shud be) but in my envelope only left 22!!! arghhhh where is the missing one!!! i really hope i can find it...or else ..........(no options).........i dunno whether my mistakes, i was careless or someone took it......... ^_^ God, please help me find the missing paper (pray hard)........
alhamdullilah....God has answer my pray.......fuhh...finally i found the missing paper...guess where is it.. it's ON my TABLE........ ;)hehehehe....
Resepsi | Zahidi + Syafiqah
11 years ago
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